Chapter I - General Rules
- Entry Fees
- The fee for entering a team into the Rawai Pool League competition for a single season is THB 3,000.
- All fees are payable in advance. Fees are collected at the Team Owner's meeting held prior to each new season.
- Fees are non-refundable under any circumstances.
- General Conduct
- Gentlemanly conduct will be used at all times by players, captains and bar owners;
- Breaches of conduct should be reported to the League Committee;
- The League Committee, at its sole discretion, will take whatever action it deems necessary to rectify conduct in breach of these rules.
- Captains/Owners Meetings
- Where requested, Team Captains and/or Bar Owners are required to attend meetings convened by the League Committee;
- The League Committee will notify all bars whether Team Captains and/or Bar Owners are required to attend;
- All Team Captain/Bar Owner meetings will be announced at least seven days in advance to ensure the presence of all teams;
- Team Captains/Bar Owners may send a designated proxy if they are unable to attend. Names of designated proxies should be notified to the League Committee before a meeting commences.
- Drinks & Drink Prices
All bars participating in the Rawai Pool League have agreed the following MAXIMUM PRICES for drinks ordered by Team Players during Rawai Pool League matches:
- Local Beers (Leo, Chang, Singha, Tiger) THB 80.
- Imported Beers San Miguel, Heineken, Belgian, German, etc. Regular bar price.
- Local Rum and whiskeys (Sangsom, Contessa, 100 pipers, etc) with a splash of coke, soda, etc. THB 100.
- All Rum and Whiskeys imported (Havana, Bacardi, etc.) with a splash of coke, soda, etc. Regular bar price.
- Low end Spirits (Whiskeys, Gin, Vodka, etc.) with splash of coke, soda, etc. THB 140.
- Premium Spirits (Jack Daniels, Chivas, Absolut, Bombay, etc.) - Regular bar price.
- House Wine - THB 160.
Examples:- If you order a gin+tonic or a whiskey-coke you will receive "Gilbey's" gin or "100 Piper" whiskey (or similar);
- If you want a specific brand drink (Bombay, black label, etc.) it will be charged at the bar's regular price for that drink. If you are unsure you should ask first about the price before you order.
- Winner's Drinks:
- Losers of Singles Matches and Doubles Matches will buy a drink for their winning opponent;
- Winners should, when possible, choose a local beer, local rum, regular spirit or non-mineral;
- If a winning player requests an imported beer or premium spirit the loser should be charged the cost of the local equivalent and the winner charged the difference in cost between the premium and local version of the ordered drink;
- Players should refrain from drinking a cheap beverage during the game and you ordering a more expensive beverage if they win.
- Minimum Spend:
The amount used for the purpose of the "minimum spend" rule is based on the combined bills of the 4 visiting team players attending a match. This amount excludes the Beerleg. All teams agree that:
- the minimum spend of the visiting team shall be no less than THB 1,200;
- If the total spent by a visiting team is less than the Minimum Spend it is the responsibility of the Team Captain/Team Owner to make up the difference;
- Failure to observe the Minimum Spend rule may result in the offending team being fined or excluded from the League.
- Beer Leg:
The winning team of the Beer Leg is entitled to 1 drink per player paid for by the losing team/bar.
- If the visiting team loses a charge of 500 THB will be applied to their team/bar bill.
- If the home team loses the home team/bar will cover the costs of the visiting team's 4 drinks.
- If the Beer Leg ends with 1 - 1 no paid drinks by the opponent (the 2 teams can have a drink together freely).
Chapter II - Teams & players
- Elgibility
Everyone is eligible to play in the Rawai Pool League, unless they have been banned for serious misconduct. - Team Composition
- Each team consists of 4 players.
- There is no limit on player nationalities;
- There is no limit on Girls or "Ladyboy" members for any team;
- Categories of Players
There are two categories of players:
- Occasional Player
- Any player with less than 5 games with a single team is an Occasional Player;
- Occasional Players can change bars freely;
- The points gained by Occasional Players are non-cumulative, that is any points earned playing for one bar as an Occasional Player are not combined with points earned by the same Occasional Player while playing for other bars;
- Once an Occasional Player has played 5 games for a single team they then become classified as Regular Players.
- Regular Player
- Any player who plays 5 or more games with a single team is a Regular Player;
- Regular Players are linked to the team with which they have played 5 or more games with;
- Regular Players may change teams from e.g. Bar A to Bar B, but after doing so they are no longer eligible to play for Bar A in the current season.
- Regular Players who wish to change team must inform the Committee 48 hours prior to playing any game for their new team;
- When a Regular Player changes team any Individual Points earned prior to the change will be retained by that Player.
Any player appearing to try and gain advantage by manipulating this rule will be dealt with the following penalties. This will happen to each bar/player if they allow this to happen.- First offence:
Lose all individual points that they have gained thus far and all points will be awarded to the opposition players which he/she had played in as an illegal player. - Second Offence:
The team playing an illegal player will lose all points in which the illegal player played in and the away team will be given an 8-0 for that match or any other matches in which the illegal player had previously played in as an illegal player. In the second offence all points lost will be reversed to the away players scoring. - Third Offence:
The team playing an illegal player for the third offence will be evicted from the league and the illegal player will not be allowed to play for the RPL for 2 seasons.
- First offence:
- Occasional Player
- Women Players
In order to facilitate the ranking of the best woman player, the name of all women players will be followed by the letter "(f)", e.g. "Noi (f)".
- New Players
- If a team introduces a new player to their team who has not previously played in the League please notify the committee so the new Player's details can be added to the players' listings. You may also Put the first initial of their surname or/and put "new" or "n" on the score board;
- If a team introduces a player which has previously played for another team in the RPL, the captain or the bar owner must notify the committee, so the players details can be updated. If the captain or bar owner does not notify the committee, then the players details will be inputted as a new player and his/her points will not be accumulated until the committee is notified.
- Players changing their original names
A player found changing their name to play for another team anonymously will result in their team losing the game 8-0 for that game. If the same player changes his/her name for a second offence then that player will be ejected from the league and any points gained playing under a false name will be awarded 8-0 to the other team. - Bars With More Than One Team: Swapping from Team A to Team B
Bars that have more than one team are permitted to swap players only once in the season. If a player wishes to swap from Team A to Team B, then that player can return back to Team A. Once he has played for Team B and returned to Team A, then he will not be able to swap again.
Note: This only applies to bars with 2 or more teams. The 5 game rule for players that want to play for another team will still be the same for teams with only one team. - The New 2 Division Rule for Individual Points of the Players
Any player playing for a team in the new first or second divisions of the RPL will not be awarded points if he/she decides to swap divisions. Once a player plays for one of the teams in that division, then he/she will only gain points for playing in that division. The points will only be accumulated if a player stays in one of the two divisions. A player will be able to swap to any team in that division as in the rules of eligible or regular players. - Captains and Bar Owners
- Captains and Bar owners to be invited to the RPL Bar Owners Messenger group.
- Captains or bar owners are the only members to bring forward to the committee any complaints or issues there have been during the season.
- League Formation
In the new upcoming season, there will be a 2-league system put in place. The league will be split into 2 leagues.
The top teams of the league will go into Division A and the bottom teams of this season's league will go straight into Division B.
All new teams that will join the RPL this season of 2023-24 will automatically be placed in Division B and subsequently, the teams in the top half of the lower league will join Division A.
After the league has finished, 4 teams from Division A will be relegated to Division B and 4 teams from Division B will be promoted to Division A.
Chapter III - Match Formats, Practice, Refereeing
- Before the game a draw will be conducted to assign the order of players from Number 1 to 4;
- Singles Games
- 4 singles games will be played;
- For each Singles Game, the best of 3 frames wins;
- The break of the first frame will be determined by the shooting of 2 balls. (According to article 1.2 of the international regulations.);
- The break-off for the second frame will be made by whichever player did not break-off in the first;
- If a Singles game goes to the third frame, the player to break-off in that frame will be decided by the shooting of 2 balls. (According to article 1.2 of the international regulations.);
- All Singles Games must be played without advice or instruction from their team or persons around the table. If a player wishes to concur with anyone, they should ask the referee first before any communication with their team. No other person or persons should advise or instruct the player while they are playing their Singles game. The referee is the only person who can advise a player, if asked. If a team has a new player then it is the responsibility of that team's captain to advise the player to ask the ref for advice.
- Doubles Games
- 2 Doubles Games will be played;
- For each Doubles Game, the best of 3 frames wins;
- The break-off of the first frame will be determined by the shooting of 2 balls. (According to article 1.2 of the international regulations.);
- If a Doubles Game goes to the third game, the team to break-off in that game will be decided by the shooting of 2 balls. (According to article 1.2 of the international regulations.)
The players in the second position will be asked to do the shooting of 2 balls; - The 2 team members playing are permitted to confer with each other during their Doubles Game. They may not confer with any other players during their game;
- Only the players that are playing the game may ask the advice of the referee;
- Doubles Games will be played with each team player taking a single shot and play then alternating to the other player in that team until they do not pot their next ball or they make a foul. Then, play is passed to the opposing team.
- Beer Leg
- A single Beer Leg Game will be played;
- Beer leg will consist of 2 frames;
- The shooting of 2 balls. (According to article 1.2 of the international regulations.) will determine which team breaks first. In the second frame, the opposition team will break (Note: As in previous seasons, the team that wins the first frame, DOES NOT carry on breaking on the second break);
- Beer Leg Games are played with each player of a team taking a single shot, and passing play to the next team member in rotation until they do not pot their next ball or they make a foul. Then, play is passed to the opposing team;
- Practice
- Practice is allowed prior to the start of the match;
- Home teams must make their table available for practice 30 minutes prior to the match starting;
- The visiting team should be given priority during practice period.
- Once the match has commences no practice or play outside the official games is permitted.
- Referee
- Games MUST be refereed by a competent home-team member or an independent referee;
- The referee must not be playing the game being refereed. The only exception is the Beer Leg round, during which one member of the home-team should be nominated as the referee.
- The Referee's decision is final.
Chapter IV - Match Scoring, Ranking
- Points From Play
- Individual Rankings
- Players will be awarded 1 point for every frame won in a Singles Game;
- If a player wins their Singles Game without their opponent winning a frame (i.e. 2-0 score) they will be awarded 1 bonus point;
- Points scored in Singles Games will accrue to each Player's accumulated total for the Individual Rankings;
- Players do not accrue points from Doubles Games for their Individual Rankings.
- Beer Leg Rankings
- 2 points will be awarded to the team that wins the Beer Leg in the Beer Leg League Ranking;
- 1 point will be rewarded to both teams if the result is 1-1 in the Beer Leg Ranking.
- Points scored in the Beer Leg Games will add to each team's cumulative total for the overall team standings.
- Team Rankings
- Teams will be rewarded points as follows:
- 3 points for overall win
- 1 point for a draw
- 0 point for a loss
- Teams will be rewarded points as follows:
- Individual Rankings
Chapter V - Rules of General Play
From season 18 the games are played according to international rules.
Read the international rules or it.
Chapter VI - Time Management, Postponements & Cancellations
- Matches are played on Monday nights.
- The starting time for all teams in the league is 19:30 hrs;
- It is the responsibility of the away team to contact the home team if they are going to be late.
NOTE: Out of courtesy, the home team should contact the away team if they have not arrived on time to ask when they will arrive. - If the away team has not arrived by 19:45, then the home team needs to contact the committee straight away, to see if the committee can contact the away team. If the away team has not turned up by 19:50, then the home team has to be contacted once again and it will be the committee that will make the decision on the cancellation of the game.
NOTE: No team can make the cancellation of any game. Only the committee has the right to cancel any game and the committee will also be responsible for the scoreboard being updated. - All match schedules are published on the League website: Schedules.
- Any teams arriving late at any venue must start the game without any practice;
- Players Arriving Late
- If a team member is late then the games can start without that player so long as the player's name is written on the score board;
- All single games and doubles game that can be played must be played;
- If at any point during those games the late player arrives then they can play their games;
- If the late player has still not arrived after all possible games have been played, and the match has stopped for this reason, the late player's points will be awarded to the team that is waiting. So, the late player will lose his singles and doubles games 2-0;
- If a late player has not arrived when the Beerleg commences, the Beerleg will not be played and the Beerleg points will be awarded to the opposing team.
- Rescheduling Procedure:
Matches can be rescheduled only if exceptional circumstance exist preventing the match from being played on the scheduled date.
- Any bar seeking to reschedule a game must first seek the agreement of the opposing team;
- If the opposing team does not agree then the game must be played as scheduled;
- The League Committee must be notified 48 hours prior to the scheduled match time. The committee may contact the opposing team to confirm their consent to the rescheduling;
- Any rescheduled game must be played either before the scheduled match date or prior to the Monday immediately following the scheduled date;
- Please notify Eric Colombo of the proposed rescheduled date.
- Match Cancelation:
If a match is canceled the following rules will apply:
- The team responsible for the cancelation will forfeit the match;
- The winning team will be awarded a 7-0 score;
- No individual points will be awarded to the winning team;
- If the away team is responsible for the cancelation they must:
- Fulfil the "Minimum Spend" rule by spending no less than THB 1'200 at the opposing home bar no later than 1 week after the original match date;
- Pay to the home bar the appropriate Beerleg fee no later than 1 week after the original match date.
- If the home team is responsible for the cancelation:
- The away team is entitled to 1 free Beerleg drink per player from the home team bar, so long as they visit the home team bar no later than 7 days after the original match date.
Chapter VII - Condition of Tables
- Match tables must be kept in good condition;
- It is accepted that most owners make every good effort to keep their tables in good condition and well balanced, however tables should not fall below a level of maintenance required by The League;
- The league recommends that all pool tables on which matches are played should go no longer than 18 months without being professionally serviced. Professional servicing should include:
- complete refelting with good quality cloth;
- balancing of cushions and the table itself.
- It is also recommended that tables should be kept clean and vacuumed regularly to remove chalk residue from underneath and within the cloth;
- Opposing teams should not be expected to play on thread bare, worn or torn cloths;
- Required type/size of pool table
All RPL matches must be played on American-=style pool tables. Play on snooker-style 3/4-sized tables was phased out over seasons 14 and 15.
- Choice of tables
If there are 2 tables of the same size, then it is the choice of the home team that decides which table to play on as they might be used to playing on that 1 table and if there are 2 teams in that bar then they would only practice on 1 table. This would not be the case if there are 2 tables of different sizes.
If there are 2 tables of different sizes, then it would be the choice of the away team that would chose which table to play on.
© RPL 2018 - Designed by erco - création